Two Thumbs Down for Weathermen
I’ve taken a poll and it’s official that weathermen are useless. (I’ll precede this anecdote by adding that I’m in …almost… Most of January in That and because the temperature dropped about 20 degrees, it was snowing sideways, and I was fearing for my life on account of the dangerous weather and the horrendous drivers. Yikes. Visibility dropped to four feet, my bike was caked in snow (a la TUSB), and it was accumulating fast. Apparently I’m soft because that ride was cut slightly short. At the end of the day, I suppose what really riles me up is the degree by which the weathermen are wrong. It’s not just being wrong by predicting sleet and having it actually snow; nope, it’s the forecast that’s 180 degrees from reality that bugs me. There’s all sorts of stupidly named weather forecasting machines, like “FutureCast 3000.” I think a more aptly named device – and far less expensive – is the “Flip-A-Coin-Point-Two-Five.” Or perhaps they should just issue a disclaimer at the end to the effect of the weather blurb saying, “…buuuuuuuut truth be told, we really have only a one in ten chance of being correct on this. One. Not a bad idea to take along the umbrella.” Uggh, it bugs the heck outta me. On a lighter note, the team has descended upon
But after a tough day of sitting on our butts, professional athletes really need to refuel, so here’s a smorgasbord of tasty lunch meets, tortillas, carrots, cookies, salsa, and more. Yum.
Lots of long and difficult rides on the horizon, so wish us good luck with the weather. Lord knows the forecast is a far cry from what it’ll turn out to be.