4 Leaf Clover, or something like that.
Wow, you're in luck! My foresight and ability to multi-task has allowed me to finish packing AAAAND have time to post a blog. Good thing too, 'cause in a matter of hours I'll be heading to Europe where I'll be bouncing country to country without a proper home... and therefore unforeseen ability to blog. Sheesh wouldn't that have been a bummer! Like I said, you're in luck!Today's blog will be a brief hodge-podge collection of odds and ends. Here, for example, is a great picture from Day 1 of the Giro, courtesy of Maris Nasif. It was snapped moments before the team time trial, where I rode in front of Carlos. I don't recall exactly what he was saying in this picture, but it's probably something to the effect of "Be sure to ride really fast." Thankfully I did.Next up, last weekend Dad took part in the Robie Pierce One Design Disabled Sailing Regatta down in Rye, NY. The info can be found HERE. Dad had a stroke six years ago and he is slowly but surely on his way to recovery. It really stinks to think of all the things that have been taken from him, so it's great to see parts of his life that he is gaining back - the ability to sail, for example! Here he is deftly dodging Emerald... Dad's the guy on the left with the green hat. (Snoop! Snoop a loop!)
In order to get my car out of everyone's way here at home while I'm over in Europe, I drove it up to Gramma's house and parked it in her garage. This was smart because in order for me to get home I had to ride all across scenic New Hampshire on a pleasant 104 mile journey. Ryan and Corey came along on this adventure, and since the sun was shining and since we only had one flat (and one broken seat mast) it was a great day! I don't have any pictures of the ride itself, but here are two action shots of me mowing the lawn at Gramma's. Note the helmet... can't be too careful with low branches and agressive birds!
In lieu of no riding pictures home from Gramma's house, here is a shot of the winning breakaway at last week's Lake Auburn Road Race, thanks to Dana. Coincidentally (or not), the winning break consisted of just the King brothers, so perhaps if you're on our family's Christmas card list you'll be a recipient of this picture in about six months.
Yikes, it's time to eat some dinner and then hit the road! For those keeping track at home, I'm off to the Ster Elektrotoer June 17-21 and then I'm slated for the Tour of Austria. Thanks for all the inquiries, but I'd say with about 99.9% assurance that I won't be doing the Tour de France.So on that note, I will bid you adieu.