
I thought that "The Convertible" sandwich was a one of a kind. Neigh to that friends. Little did I know, just 72 hours later that particular sandwich would be outdone. I'm now in Austria where the locals enjoy their food RICH. Heavenly delicious creamy sauces: check. Fried... err... well fried everything: check. And lots of beer: check. Yup, they enjoy the good food just as much as I like to eat it!If the last sammy was dubbed "The Convertible," this one is the "Car Wreck." Now, I will point out that this wasn't my order for lunch, but the fellow sitting next to me. It's basically the same layout as The Convertible - your basic club sandwich, except instead of a fried egg beneath a retractable carbohydrate roof, this is a bacony-delicious mess draped artistically atop the club sandwich! In a word: wow!bacon-sammy(Please pardon the picture quality, as it was taken with my phone. By the way, it's a BlackBerry and I still despise it. It reset today three times. And the internet didn't work the ONE time I actually needed to use it at my flight check in. Not cool.)