And then there were two in the Wolf Pack
Busy day here in California. I had to set my alarm early to get my aforementioned friend's car to the car maintenance garage for it's requisite CA smog test after learning yesterday that yes, there is a problem with the exhaust but no, we can't tell you what it is until you're back again tomorrow.I can't help but think THIS brief bit of hilarity every time I drop my car off for some auto work. Look, with all due deference to mechanics, I just feel like Dane sums it up perfectly in that clip.So I dropped off the Black Barge, the nickname I have dubbed the 20-ton boat of a Benz wagon I'm driving, and then met up with my surprisingly un-jet-lagged Aussie teammate Cameron Wurf. He just raced the week long Tour of Turkey, finished a very impressive 5th, next flew across three continents over the course of the next 36 hours, and arrived here last night. We met up and RODE around the lake, which is basically 2/3 of ToCA's stage one. Here's my brief pro's take on the race: it should unfold in standard fashion with a breakaway, pedal pedal pedal, chase breakaway, and fast duke-it-out to the finish (...hmm, ideal for a rider like Peter Sagan). But now enter a very ample dose of altitude and it really can be anyone's game. Cam and I rode a respectable clip the whole day since breathing is still easier said than done (wicked science people says it takes between 10 days to 2 weeks to really be acclimated), but we discussed just about every situation how this stage could transpire - and we believed them all.And now it's time for a photo montage. Here's Cam accented in blue. Strangely the remarkably blue sky and lake didn't get picked up by the camera's color accent tool. Guess Liquigas-Cannondale's blue is truly unique.Next is a standard colored shot. Hello Cameron. Hello Lake.
Following that are the final two money shots of the day. This is atop Brockway Summit, which I imagine you would be able to guess if you read English. It's the final climb before a brief ripping descent to the climb. Cameron:
Followed by Superman or perhaps a WWF superstar or is it I...amtedking?!
I finished out the day with a characteristic Google-chat interview with CycloWHAT. While most people continue to ponder how C'WHAT gets gigs for the likes of reputable companies like Pedros, I slowly am learning Chandler's subdued genius. WHAT.