And now, an update
I'll start by asking if you've seen this little gem? Ryan Kelly's incredibly fall from... sanity.The prologue came and went at today's Tour of Utah. After three amazing weeks at altitude in sunny Assspen, I came all the way down altitude to where Salt Lake City rests at a mere 1,300 meters above sea level - mind you that's a full eleven-hundred meters below Aspen. The air is still thin, but expanding my lungs doesn't take quite the absurd amount of effort as it does in Ajax's highlands.So today's effort wasn't exactly earth shattering, buuuut with a surgically repaired collarbone and after a two-months-and-four-day-layoff from pinning my numbers on in an actual race setting I'm fairly pleased with amount of rust and dust I blew out of the system in those painful 4.5 minutes. It felt nice to breathe really hard and feel my heart blast through my chest at a frighteningly high rate. I'm back baby!Here I am practicing sweating under a tent in the hot Utah sun minutes before setting out into the hot Utah sun.If you have any interest in being amazingly inspired, here's a bit of reading material courtesy of Velonation.And speaking of aforementioned Aspen, care to wager a guess where these photos are taken?
Assuming you didn't say Vail, then I applaud your excellent guess since these are the last few shots I snapped in Aspen. Here I am taking in the fresh, local Saturday farmer's market. (Pssst, if you wander into town on Saturday morning do yourself the favor and try the kettle corn. Having never tried crack, I believe it is twice as addicting.)
Additionally here is a Wednesday evening concert at Snowmass. Brought the picnic and the chairs and the killer sunset. Heyyyo.
And now that I've arrived in Utah, I have a fresh and radical Cannondale EVO awaiting my arrival.
Game face: on. But first, it's massage face and then dinner face followed by sleep face and then race face tomorrow.