What a day
Perfect is a strong word, but I might go for it. This third annual Krempels King of the Road Challenge was a stunning success. Furthermore, thanks to the $100,000+ raised entirely for the Krempels Center, the huge turnout of riders, supporters, family, friends, volunteers, AND the wall-to-wall sunshine I reckon I'll call it perfect.A sincere thank you to everyone who helped make this day a success. Donors, friends, supporters, and my amazing family above, plus David Krempels himself, top right: you all came together to produce one of the best days of my life.Plus there were Fluffernutters, which turns out make everything better....it also didn't hurt that at the 11th hour I received a generous invitation to amazing seats at the ALCS game winning victory by the Sox later that evening.
More awesome pictures from an awesome day can be found here from Cindy Jupp-Jones.