Jimmy Was Not A Cyclist
If you like piña coladas, getting caught in the rain...T'was approximately happy hour on December 31 at the King household and everyone was busily scurrying around like a bunch of crazies getting odds and ends done for the pending trips ahead. (Worthy side note: it was likely only me, with a pending cross country road trip just 36 hours away, who was doing the hectic scurrying. The rest of the evening perhaps became hazy.) Anyway, Robbie astutely noted that it was a perfect time to make piña coladas out of fresh juices and recently canned coconut milk. Around about the time I was served this festive beverage it dawned on me, yup, college spring breakers are correct: This is One tasty drink, all the more so when not made with just crappy mix and a bottle of rum. Yes again, Jimmy Buffet was not a cyclist in New England.Pay no attention to the iamnottedking beer glass, that's a typo and should read "Cheers to Piña Season".New Years Eve started with island inspired cocktails and ended with one radical bonfire. Hint: try playing Jenga with your mountain of logs. If that doesn't work just throw another Christmas tree on the mountainous flame.
Then January 1 kicked off in supreme fashion with a brave 16 souls at the Exeter Cycles' first-ride-of-the-year ride. JG and his near three decade tradition continues!
Seriously though, Jimmy Buffett was not a cyclist despite being noted for his poetic lyrics on furry-fruited cocktails and bad weather. We dress like this in the chilly months of the year rather than floral unbuttoned shirts and board shorts:
I now read the calendar as it reads January 2 and therefore day two of Ted King, A to Z Tour, or #TKAtoZ for all your internet savvy folks.After bidding the family farewell early this morning, it was off to the open roads! Day two featured new hAmpshire to Virginia. Let's call it New Years plus two, I'm headed to Haymarket Bicycles and we'll roll out an awesome Sunday morning ride tomorrow.The roads were mostly friendly this sunny Saturday. My new Thule rack was a boss and handled the first eastern seaboard with grace.Coming up soon afterwards is Asheville, NC where I'm returning to my once upon a time home for the ENTIRE WEEK. Who's up for some bike rides, aggressive cheering, and overall happiness related to bikes? I know I am! Stay tuned, let's hang...Please do not critique any grammar or spelling or anything in this post nor others in the near future. This is telephone editing at it's best. I'll find wifi and have my computer someday. In the mwantime, thanks iPhone.